Kevin at continues to be a persistent source of information about hydrogen on demand with this latest report on his visit to the recent LA Auto show.
Check it out.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
LA Auto Show on HHO Gas
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
New HHO Games Article
Rare interview with Ozzy Freedom in this article. He's attending the HHO Games this week.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
HHO Games
Ok, HHO lurkers, it's time again to point out that the HHO Games are coming, giving you the opportunity to get up close and personal with any HHO inventors out there among us.
Article about the event.
For more info on the event:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mike Kerhli Interview
Fulesaver-MPG Inc.'s Mike Kerhli has been selling his EFIE devices for about a year now. He tinkered around with some plans from Eagle Research's George Wiseman and found that he had perfected the result enough to know he could save a lot of people some serious time so he decided to start a business doing just that. How successful has he been so far? He's sold over 3000 of these devices. Until recently, he's been working 20hr days trying to keep up with demand.
EFIE Guy Mike Kerhli: Pulling Together HHO Proof
I had a fascinating conversation today with Mike Kerhli from Fuelsaver-MPG Inc., makers of EFIE (Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancers). I'll be posting excerpts from that conversation on this website and on
Allgeier, T., Klenk, M., Landenfeld, T., Conte, E., Boulouchos, K., Czerwinski, J., “Advanced Emission and Fuel Economy Concept Using Combined Injection of Gasoline and Hydrogen in SI Engines,” Publication #2004-01-1270, March, 2004, Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, MI.
- Abstract: This paper presents data indicating that a hydrogen-enriched gasoline fuel mixture, in a conventional spark-ignited engine, produces improvements in engine efficiency and emissions.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dynojet Research and HHO Gas Devices
I'm always on the hunt for scientific proof that hho gas devices work as advertised. What's needed here is a set of valid tests on a dynamometer. These are hard to find but if you browse this site, you'll find lots of links to the various research performed on hho gas. Hydrorunner is a company that makes hho gas kits and they've posted their dynamometer testing results on their website. After clicking around a bit, I noticed that the maker of the Dynamometer was Dynojet Research. Now here's a company that should know a thing or two about testing an HHO device on a dynamometer. I'd love to interview someone at Dynojet about this: if you're reading this, email me:
HHO Vs Popular Mechanics
I've been following Popular Mechanics' Mike Allen lately as he writes about testing HHO devices and I've got to say I've been very disappointed so far. At the time I spoke to him, he had a Water4Gas manual on his desk and when I asked him a question about an EFIE, he flipped to the section of the ebook and read a couple lines to show he was aware of the issue. But he did not have one installed at the time.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
HydrogenCarsNow Article on Dept of Transportation Report
I've been writing about my personal opinion that the US Federal Government should take a more active role in testing HHO devices also known as hydrogen fuel injectors. The debates seem to go on and on because differences over test procedures, measurement, results interpretation, etc. The EPA has a standard set of test routines that should be utilized to settle these discussions.
In the meantime, the use of hydrogen fuel injection is receiving some attention from the Department of Transportation in a report released in 2007 and uncovered by Kevin at I'll let him lay out the very interesting story.
Mike Allen's Follow Up HHO Testing
I left this comment on Mike Allen's Popular Mechanics comment section regarding his recently publicised testing:
I've spoken to Mike Allen on the phone about his work here on this topic and I dont think the readers are getting the complete story. First of all, Mike Allen has had a theory that this technology does not work. It's a reasonable theory for someone who has tested tons of these devices and never found one that works, but it is just a theory. People who read his article and conclude anything more than that the particular setup Mike tested does not work as advertised are going a bit too far based more on Mike's theory than his test results.
Read his test results. They say very clearly that only a dynamometer test will convince him that the technology works.
Now, Mike will say this technology is too ridiculous to test but since there's such an overwhelming public response, he has to do it. Great. But in doing so, he is perpetuating the very myth he is trying to dispell. What am I talking about?
Mike Allen is not the respected, appropriate authority to provide a scientific test of this technology. Sure, no disrespect because Mike is a smart guy and writes well but he's not what we need folks. By becoming an hho tinkerer himself, he only serves to fuel the idea that tinkering will finally land the big payoff.
To be clear, I do advocate hho tinkering but not if your Mike Allen, the journalist.
What persons like Mike Allen should really be advocating is a true scientific, federally recognized test of this technology. It trully surprises me that Mike Allen hasn't written about the fact that there are truly scientific processes that can be followed, that have been around for years which could settle this question once and for all.
What I advocate, as someone who has written about HHO for 2+yrs, is to have the EPA run their tests on a *series* of these devices. The problem is that these tests cost $14,000 and must be borne by the manufacturer. Sadly, no one has stepped up to subject themselves to these tests. But if the technology works, a real pot of gold lays on the other side of this rainbow.
If Popular Mechanics' intentions are true, then they could use their role to push for a non-standard EPA approach to this technology by having the federal government fund some of these tests. The angle to take could be via the Federal Trade Commission. Or it could be via a simple phone call to one's local House Representative or Senator.
What Mike Allen should really be doing is advocating a real scientific test that would be recognized by the US Federal government.
Would that really kill the so called myth of the water car? Maybe not but it would go a long way towards taming the debate.
Does anyone agree with me here or is everyone convinced that hundreds and thousands of non-authorities should continue to debate their test results?
CNN Money on Ronn Motor Company's H2GO
Monday, August 11, 2008
Water4Gas Testimonial
In following the hho gas world, I get alot of emails from people at various stages of realization that Water4Gas technology works. Today, I got a note from Les Pollyea of State Street Motors in Hastings, MI. He's been in the automotive repair business for 30 years. When I spoke to him today on the phone, the first words of his mouth was, "I was a skeptic. And before we started this thing, we looked at it for 2 months trying to figure out if it was a scam or not a scam. So, finally we did it. And I'm telling you what, we were amazed!" Mr. Pollyea went on to explain that his whole approach to studying this was as a skeptic. He wants to prove it doesnt work. But so far his test results show it does. They are going to install it on 2 more vehicles now.
Just another testimonial from someone without a name, address or phone number, right? Wrong! Mr. Pollyea gave me permission to include his full contact information right here on the blog. That's right, a real person just like you who scratched their head for awhile wondering if they should buy a Water4Gas manual and give this thing a try. I'm sure too many people will call Les and he'll send me an email saying take this info down but for now, here is his exact email to me posted with his permission:
I own and operate STATE STREET MOTORS INC. in Hastings ,Mich. We have recently installed a Water4gas system on my 1997 Chevy Sububan 2500 4X4. Prior to installation the Last 3 fuel economy fuel ratings were avg. 13.2 to 13.4 mpg. after install the first mpg test was 18.2 mpg. we are going to continue testing to see if this was just a fluke or if this system really does have merit. We will mail you a continuing report as we progress.
Here's more of my interview with Les:
Blogger: How long have you been working with cars?
LP: Oh God.....30yrs?
Blogger: So when you first looked at this, you thought it was a complete scam?
LP: Absolutely! Absolutely.
Blogger: Why did you keep looking into it? What pushed you over the edge to try it, if you thought it was a scam?
LP: $4/gallon for fuel and I think curiosity more than anything. That and by God, you know what, if it does work, then why not? I mean if this does work, just look what it would do for the nation.
Blogger: ...or SUV sales. People can't buy Ford or General Motors SUV's these days because of the price of gas.
LP: Exactly. That's it. I'm going to test this on a motorhome which currently gets 7mpg. We're going to test it on there.
Pollyea went on to ask if I hear that others are getting more power from these systems and I said yes, that's what I hear all the time. He said he's getting a very noticeable amount of extra horsepower.
So there you go.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Mike Allen at Popular Mechanics
Popular Mechanics' Mike Allen is skeptical---skeptical of the effects of HHO gas on fuel economy in a vehicle. He's written about it and due to an overwhelming reader response, he's going against his professional judgement and is taking steps to run a series of tests himself on a 2009 Nissan Maxima. Many are reporting this as Popular Mechanics' attempt to debunk Water4Gas and the various kits that you can buy on the Internet.
I had chance to talk with Mr. Allen today to learn how his testing is going. First, he let me know that this is not his top priority right now (completing print magazines is) so when he gets time, he does push his project forward a bit. We discussed the kit he has installed and his testing methodology. I also learned which kit he chose to install and I even spoke to that manufacturer today to get his take on working with Mike on this.
In the coming days, I will be posting excerpts of my interview with Mike and with this--for now--unnamed manufacturer. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, I'd like to request again to hear from Ford, General Motors, Nissan or any manufacturer out there testing HHO. I'm hearing today that when it comes to testing HHO devices, folks in the aftermarket industry believe that legislation exists which would compel the auto manufacturers to be responsible for testing. Many times, you will hear that tampering with an oxygen sensor is against the law. I'm still researching that but at least one person I spoke to believes that challenging that would involve necessarily the underlying manufacturer of the vehicle to which the aftermarket device was installed. If you are in SEMA and understand this, can you get in touch with me:
HHO Gas: What types of proof are offered?
I've been blogging about HHO gas for over 2 yrs now. There are still quite a few aspects of this topic that I do not understand but I think compared to the vast majority of people I am reasonably well informed. My personal hope is that this technology can be scientifically proven beyond a doubt to work and to be the sort of technology that can scale through continual study and testing. But until this is done right by the EPA, we will have to make do with less scientific approaches. I'd like to walk you through an evolution of the types of proof that are being attempted out there.
First, we all know about the consumer testimonial type of evidence. This is probably the most emotional type. The problem with it is it's difficult to compare before to after due to variability of driving conditions and the impact having an HHO device has on the driver in terms of their psychology. Second, a somewhat similar attempt at proof comes from the YouTube or MetaCafe audio/visual genre. Plainly, these attempts want to allow you to experience an engine before/after HHO is injected into the fuel system. It is interesting to see an engine and hear it before/after as hho is injected then remove, then reinjected and the engine noticeably changes as a result. This is certainly a repeatable effort but it lacks the metrics needed to gauge true impact. Thirdly, there are road tests out there. Oftentimes, these come from trucking companies that have drivers driving routes every day. They know their mileage from careful and repeated record keeping. They put a unit on a vehicle and compare before/after. But even these tests might be flawed if the driver knows that a device is on the system---at least that's what critics will say. Fourthly, there is testing that takes place on a dynamometer. Hydrogen Boost has some test results from Purdue on this but I can't find the names of the original researchers on the website. WPTV in Florida ran two tests using a dynamometer and in the first one, the car more than doubled gas mileage but in the second test, it only jumped 10% and the underlying investigator, Amir Abtahi believes the testing was too flawed for the results to be useful. Ultimately, the EPA and it's independent 3rd party labs have a process that allows a device like this to be tested thoroughly. The problem is that no one has stepped up to take the test.
There's a 5th type of proof that is out there which probably annoys me most of all. This is the type of proof that comes from appeals to authorities in the field of mechanics or physics, etc and often consists of citing the 2nd law of thermodynamics. This type of proof is often sought by journalists who are writing a piece on HHO gas. So, the journalist calls up their local Professor of ABC and asks them what they think. I hate it when a Professor says something like this, "If this technology works so great, why isn't Ford or General Motors using it?" This type of analysis of HHO gas is a bit too snarky for me. It goes beyond what is needed which is a simple test on a dynamometer.
My personal opinion is that a good test would consist of 2 identical cars of the same year having their mileage calibrated so that both cars, in various loads, have the same mpg performance. Then you would strap on an HHO generator on one of the cars and run the tests again. To me, this would settle the human aspect of the test as well as teh variability of engine performance to a reasonable degree. If this type of test yielded results, then I think we'd all be in a much better place.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Water4Gas Better Business Bureau
Someone was telling me recently that the Better Business Bureau has a file on 1 Freedom Inc.,makers of Water4Gas ebooks and whose CEO is Ozzie Freedom. Interesting, I thought, since anything automotive must generate alot of finger pointing and the injured party calling it a scam or hoax. For example, maybe someone installs a kit then has mechanical problems and blames the kit. I thought maybe there would be a few of these types of complaints where the root cause may be questionable. So I checked out the file and learned that the only thing the BBB is complaining about is that 1 Freedom Inc used the logo apparently somewhere in their materials. I was unable to verify that claim made by the BBB. But if you read the file, it is clean.... no complaints. Remarkable!!!
National Corn Growers Association and HHO Gas Speaker
Lake Land College recently held Agronomy Day. Among the speakers was Mary Holmes from the National Corn Growers Association speaking on the topic of ethanol and the controversy surrounding an increase in food prices that some attribute to crops being grown for fuel.
Interesting to me, however, was the other speaker on the docket at Agronomy Day: Lake Land Technology Division Chairman, Tim Van Dyke who demonstrated an hho gas generator. Van Dyke explained that you could enhance fuel efficiency up to 50 %. I sent a note over to Mr Van Dyke and hope to speak with him soon.
I'd like to try and get more agriculture folks discussing HHO gas in the forums. Or reading about Water4Gas.
HHO Gas: Ford, General Motors, Honda, Nissan, Chrysler
I've been hoping to write about major auto manufacturers who are investigating HHO Gas. If you work for one of these organizations and can speak about your research, contact me at
Many of you have been reading this blog for some time which is interesting in itself. I'm willing to share information I have with you. Readers of this blog want to know when you will start announcing your own modifcations to take advantage of this technology if in fact that will happen.
From an economic standpoint, I always think about automakers experiencing higher oil prices as impacting sales of SUV or larger vehicles which (and I'm no economist), I have heard are your most profitable lines. Well, if these are your profitable lines and gas prices are making them too expensive to buy, then why not embrace some of these HHO devices out there?
Talk to me:
Texas Hydrogen Solutions
Here's another local newspaper article covering a local person who is attempting to save money by using an hho gas generator. This time, this one is made by Texas Hydrogen Solutions. I wonder if this is another venture launched from a reading of Water4Gas.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
New Test Results on Hydro 4000 bby WPTV
Jamie Holmes is a reporter for WPTV in West Palm Beach Florida. Back in July, he tested a local company's Hydro 4000 device by having it installed on his TV SUV. The test results showed the truck was getting 9.4mpg before installation of the hydro 400 and 23.2 after installation. That's over double. But there was some question about the mechanical condition of the van since the 9.4mpg was below the manufacturer rating. So a new test was devised with the help of Florida Atlantic University's Dr. Amir Abtahi. This time around on a 2001 Chevy Tahoe, the test took the vehicle from 11.8 mpg to 13 mpg.
Monday, July 28, 2008 Update
Launched in May 2008, is designed to provide a place where consumers can discuss with one another technologies and kits, learn about the latest HHO developments and find a local hho installer for a kit in the HHO directory. Traffic to the site has tripled each of the 3 months it has been up. For July, we're now seeing over 3000 visitors per month. The site your reading now gets about that much traffic every 2 days.
Friday, July 18, 2008
For the two years that I've been studying HHO Gas and HHO Generators, I've seen alot of local news stations and local newspapers cover the story. But in the past 30 days, there seems to have been an E X P L O S I O N of stories about HHO. Let's go to the list of links. Outside the US, it's all about "electrolisers" or what we call HHO Generators. Here's an article about a Barbados company, Trans-Tech, installing electrolizers around the Caribbean and South America. Next, we go to Northern California for a story about Ben Overbeck who started out by reading Water4Gas and then started selling his own kits. It references the Popular Mechanics study being performed on these units now by Mike Allen who's quite frankly a bit of a jackass because he came out early on saying these things dont work but then later admitted it was worth testing so he's building a unit now himself. Next, we go to South Washington County, MN for yet another local mechanic making a mint out of selling hho generators. Any time you see a glass jar, it's likely the "local inventor" started with a Water4Gas ebook. Again, it's a good starter for someone looking to learn more about this technology and unlike a KIT, you can get a refund if the technology is not for you. Let's close this HHO update with a story done by Corpus Christi's KRISTV covering an RV shop, Colonia Del Rey RV that does the installs. They should be in the directory.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
HHO Questions: Where to go for Answers
Alot of people contact me with questions about this or that aspect of HHO, HHO Generators, what kits to use, where to buy the kits, the ebooks to buy, etc. Sometimes, they try to use the comments feature of this blog to get answers. For most questions like that, I now recommend posting them to a public forum set up for that purpose, ie,
There are forums where you can discuss technical details, ebooks, experiences, and you can find people who can install hho gas systems, as well as HHO Events in the HHO Calendar. etc.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
FORD Motor Company is Investigating Hydrogen on Demand
If HHO Gas is so great, why aren't the large automotive companies researching it? They are! According to Jennnifer Moore from Ford Motor Company Communications, Ford Motor company is researching hho gas or hydrogen on demand systems for installation in Ford Vehicles. They have nothing to report in terms of specifics at this point but stay tuned!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Punch HHO!!
I spoke to Tom and Briane from Punch HHO a few days back. Tom was kind enough to give me a few moments to talk about his company's success in the last 4 months which is excessive to say the least. Although he only bought the Water4Gas books 6 months ago, he's been selling his own modified kit for 4 months now and has sold H U N D R E D S of them. Before all this success however, what motivated him to start a company was the following:
WYFF Greenville has Mechanics test Water4Gas
There are alot of sites out there offering reviews of Water4Gas. Well, it looks like regular journalists are starting to take up the act. Here's a decent story done by a Greenville, SC local news station on the Water4Gas system. They gave the blueprints for the Water4Gas system to a local service station who then build the kit and installed it in two days in a 1990 Buick Century. Said the automotive service center owner and techs:
HHO Kit Complaint: water fuel scam?
I've been maintaining this hho gas blog for over 2yrs and have had multiple hundred thousand visitors. I've made myself available to be contacted and like to interact with folks who are interested in this technology. In all that time, I've never had a single person contact me claiming the kit they bought was defective or that Water4Gas was a scam. Not once. Until today.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
HHO Games offers $100,000 Prize
New Interview from Hydrogen Technology Applications Inc
I had a casual conversation with someone working for HTA just now and learned quite a bit about their progress. I'll be posting excerpts from that interview in the coming days. I asked this person about Stanley Meyers, Daniel Dingel, the japanese Water car, Water4gas, John Kanzius, 3rd party lab validation and alot about the craziness at the company that followed the CNN story. If you are working with HHO gas, you'll want to check back soon or maybe you dont?
Water4Gas Video
Here's a Water4Gas video. Interviews with a guy working on the Help Desk for Water4Gas.
Water 4 Gas Ozzie Freedom - Hydrogen On Demand, Save Gas - Click here for more free videos
You Need a Crazy Person to solve a Crazy Problem
A friend of mine is Filipino and I asked him to translate excerpts of this story for me. The subject is a man named Daniel Dingle who purportedly discovered a way to run a car on water back in the 1960s--completely on water and not with any gasoline or batteries, etc. This is different than the HHO gas devices and ebooks being sold these days showing you how to turn your car into a water hybrid.
Monday, July 07, 2008
First Media Interview
For the first time, I had a reporter contact me for an interview on the subject of hho gas, ebooks, kits, etc. Lots of the usual questions people have when they start investigating the concept of "run my car on water" or "convert my car to run on water," etc. But overall, this concept of improving gas mileage with HHO kits needs to be written about more often among the mainstream media. There's alot of things that should be done in this regard such as EPA testing, DOE research grants, etc. I could go on and on and as a blogger, I guess I should.
The reporter asked me what are some of the challenges with adopting this technology today and I went into my thing about how there's not alot of mechanics out there offering installation services. I mentioned and getting Water4Gas into much wider readership.
Today, at, a Find a Local HHO Installer Forum was launched under Consumer Solutions. If you need an installer in your local area, post a message there.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Another HHO Local Inventor Story
Every few weeks a local TV stations talks about a "new inventor" of an hho gas device that turns your car into a hybrid and reduces gas costs by 30-40%. here is the latest installment in the series--this time from Charlotte, NC. The stories are getting better at least they are starting to talk about how these devices work in that they "burn gasoline more efficiently" by adding hho gas to the mix. The manufacturer in this story, Camelpack, does not yet have a review on (so they should contact me). The devices cost $600.
Another HHO Gas Success Story
Here's a pretty good local tv station (WABI TV 5 ) story on a guy named Todd Eaton who built his own hho gas fuel cells and achieved increased gas mileage. I'm surprised the reporter didn't challenge him with the laws of thermodynamics. :-) Results are what matters not misinterpreted applications of theories. Discuss this article at WaterFueling.Com.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Japanese Water Car: Powered by Water and ???

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Do you need an hho installation expert?
Are you wondering if there is a local establishment that can install a hydrogen fuel injection or hydrogen on demand system in your car for you? Shoot me a quick note and I will try to find a local one for you. If you want to also purchase a unit from the install shop, please mention that. I'm currently looking for hho installers in Houston, TX, Los Angeles, CA and South Florida. If you are one, contact me as well. email
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Installation Directory
Are you looking for someone to install an HHO kit for you? It's new, but now there's a central place to find an installer or retailer of kits or kit parts or even...a manufacturer of kits.
More Proof? aka Hypower fuel inc. has a link to all of their independent test results showing that their hho gas or hydrogen on demand systems increase gas mileage, reduce emissions up to 80% and increase torque. Look at their field and lab tests results. Very interesting indeed!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
New Manufacturer Interview
I was fortunate enough to catch some time just now with a new company producing hydrogen on demand, hho gas generators. I'm waiting for some follow up info but I can tell you that the interview I performed was, to me at least, very very intriguing. Check back in a couple days!!
Old 2005 Wired Article regarding Truckers using HHO
Calling All Mechanics
Are you installing HHO Gas devices today? Do you have plans to do this at your current business? If the answer is yes and / or you know someone who is planning to do this, would you kindly identify yourself to me via the comments on this post. I am going to begin profiling persons who can install hydrogen on demand or hydrogen fuel injection systems.
Also, if you have a friend who is a mechanic and has been thinking of furthering their work with HHO, please have them get in touch with me ASAP. Forward this link to them...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Another HHO Gas Manufacturer
Came across another of those local news station pieces on a "local inventor" who has created their own HHO Gas or hydrogen on demand system. I'm working on putting together some interviews of these companies in the coming days.
My take on this is that folks are educating themselves about how to build these things and once they build a prototype or two, the next logical step is to create a company and sell the devices on the Internet. Is there some reason why you shouldn't do the same thing? :-) I think the real marketing angle here is word of mouth not so much the Internet. That's what I'm hearing from mechanics I've spoken to about this.
HHO into an engine
It's been awhile since I polled YouTube for new HHO Gas content. I came across this video which was put together by an HHO hacker. I clicked on some of his other videos...very interesting indeed.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
HHO Gas Generator Conspiracy?
If HHO gas generators can increase fuel efficiency by 10-40%, fuel tax revenue would decrease by 10-40%. This is something I guess I had considered briefly but brushed off because I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories. But if you let your mind wander a bit, like Caleb over at HydrogenRetrofit, you might just wonder why a technology such as this whose claims are so easy to test and validate or test and repudiate is not of more interest to our multi-billion dollar Dept of Energy and EPA. I had a conversation tonite with Caleb. He's a pretty enthusiastic supporter of hho gas technologies and he walked me through his thinking on this topic which I found to be very well thought out. Thanks Caleb. In general, I think new technologies like this just take time to gain acceptance and understanding. For those who want to work with an emerging alternative fuel technology, I recommend starting with this publication.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Alternative Fuel and HHO Gas Investors
As interest in HHO gas starts to truly spike as a result of increased validation, its more than natural that persons will start wondering what investment opportunities exist in the space. There are a few publicly traded companies out there pursuing HHO gas generator and water fuel cell technologies. It's interesting to compare these various attempts with the software companies of yesterday. In this article, I make the claim that the more an alternative energy company mirrors a traditional software company, the more interesting it is as a possible investment.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
News from National Hydrogen Association
HHO Gas fans, there is some updated news from the National Hydrogen Association on what they call Hydrogen Fuel Injection Systems which we call hho gas generators or running your car on water. It's on the water hybrids page. I interviewed Patrick Searfass this week about this technology and he gave me alot of confidence that this industry is truly rising up out of nowhere and could become pervasive rapidly. It is very exciting.
Also, I put together a little post on pros/cons of do it yourself vs complete kits. Think of it as meta data based on all the ebooks and kits reviewed on the site. Of course, we're still waiting for the Aquygen folks to make some announcements about their product plans but as mentioned previously, it appears they will focus on the trucking industry first.
Your USA Federal Government and HHO GAS
I spent part of my morning looking into your federal government's involvement in validating and promoting of hho gas or technologies based on it. If you're a cynic, then you won't be shocked. Essentially, to date, no manufacturer has approached the EPA with regard to testing a hydrogen fuel injection or hyrdogen on demand system, although the folks I spoke to are personally familiar with the offerings on the market. Unfortunately, the EPA is not mandated to find technologies to test but rather to work with any vendor who wishes their claims to be tested. So far no hho gas device manufacturers have stepped up although the manufacturers I spoke to this morning have said they will do this testing eventually.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
3rd Party Validation
One of my preoccupations with this blog lately has been to round up all the 3rd party validation testing that's been performed on hho gas based hybrids. It hasnt been easy because companies marketing these solutions seem to be growing rapidly just based on field tests of prospective customers who eventually become customers proper.
I did a little browsing of the web over the weekend and the explosion of websites, products and interest in hho gas is becoming mind boggling. In the coming days, we will start investigating more commercial entities targeting industry and fleets. And additionally, we may begin adding more products to the Water Hybrid Systems Review page. For now it's a good starting point if you are looking for information about some of the ebooks (like Water4Gas) and kits (like Hydrogen Boost) on the market.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Korean Government mandates HHO
I've been fortunate to be communicating with Kevin Kantola from Hydrogen Car & Vehicles about HHO and it's future. He is certainly one of the most knowledgeable sources of information for hydrogen generators for cars both fuel cells and hybrid plugins. He's a much accomplished and dedicated blogger.
Today he posted a great article on HHO generators and hydrogen on demand systems. Of note to me was the move by the South Korean Government to mandate HHO be installed on over 100,000 transport trucks in large part to cut down on emissions. Also of interest was a company called Hydrorunner which has 3rd party verification that their HHO on demand product is not a scam. There's alot of great information on Kevin's site.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
1996 Cadillac from 19mpg to 53mpg
You really need to read about this guy in Alabama, Larry Thrasher, who has been experimenting with his own hydrogen on demand system for the past 18 months. He was recently covered by his local press for apparently creating a system that took his 1996 Cadillac from 19 to 53mpg. BTW, his wife's 1996 Toyota gets 71mpg. He uses a 14 gallon water tank.
He'll speak about his findings on Monday, May 19 at Calhoun Community College in Decatur, from 6-9pm. Thrasher has rented Calhoun's Aerospace Training Center for the lecture, and will charge $60.00 per person.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
New Blog on Water Conversion Kits
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The US Department of Energy dips it's toe
When I started this blog 18 months ago, all I really hoped to accomplish was to learn more about blogging by tracking an interesting news thread related to a CNN story on Aquygen. I didnt start this as a cheerleading soap box for hydrogen fuel cells or Aquygen for that matter. It just seemed like an interesting story that captures the imagination of anyone who ponders it for more than a moment: a car that can run on water? Which ever way the wind blows on that one seemed like a good place to be--either it gets debunked and you have a human interest story covering a modern day scam or it gets validated and a modern energy revolution ensues transforming modern day life in a way we couldnt imagine even 5 yrs ago. Nice odds either way.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Who is reading this blog?
One of the more interesting entrys into this blog is coming from persons using google to translate this blog from English into Arabic.
Enthusiastic Article
Liz Casey puts together a nice piece that shows what happens when you let Aquygen capture your imagination.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Energy Planet
I was happy to see this blog listed in EnergyPlanet's Renewable Energy Directory. I consider this blog you're reading a microtopic blog which focuses fairly narrowly on the gas known as Aquygen.
Regarding the directory, it seems like the sort of thing I wish I had thought of! Best of luck EPRED!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
New Website on HHO Gas
Another new website on HHO Gas. I tried to post a comment on the blog but comments seemed to be turned off.
Water4Gas Journal
This guy says he's following the Water4gas manuals and posting pics/videos on his progress.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
LA Chronicle on Water4Gas
Monday, April 14, 2008
Venture Capital
Interview with Russ Scott continued:
Question: Have you received Venture Capital Funding?
Russ Scott: I will not comment. .....first....I will comment on that. We will not accept venture capital money! We have not and will not.
Question: so you have your own funding?
Russ Scott: We dont need to. We do not need to accept venture capital money.
Question: have you been approached though?
Russ Scott: Oh of course. Every day.
last installment on DoD applications.
Here's the third installment of an interview I had with Russ Scott, COO at Hyrdogen Technology Applications Inc.
Question: There are other companies creating technologies that seem to be similar to your Aquygen. Would you care to comment on these technologies? Are they scams?
Russ Scott: I dont know if they're scams or not. I would offer you this. If they are producing water form an electrolysis and they're using mason jars, that's just about enough gas. Uh...the best way i could describe it to you and i dont mean to be rude. You could flatulate more gas than they're going to produce using a mason jar. I dont have the time to go down through each one and tell you how they are different. The only thing is, we've taken alot of time and an awful amount of R&D with 3rd party laboratories in the US and Europe to prove we are not Brown's gas and we are not these other gases. Because we are who we are and because we make a very unique gas that to date no one else can compare their gas to ours because we create more hydrogen in our gas than anyone else out there that we have identified. Thats how we stand apart. We have less water in our gas, more hydrogen in our gas, blah, blah blah. That's not just us saying that we have 3rd party validation now that supports that we have this unique capability to produce this very rich hydrogen gas...that sets us apart from the others out their that we have tested. We've even gone to the point of buying their equipment and having at the 3rd party laboratory along with ours, where the gas was taken directly from the apparatus and results of the test were fed back to us from independent laboratories.
Question: is there someone you could cite in that regard in terms of 3rd party laboratories?
Russ Scott: I will not let that out until we are ready to make an announcement through all the media. I would not do that through one source. But, you know, we've got laboratories that we've done this with as long as my arm almost.
Question: do you think these other devices are unsafe?
Russ Scott: I dont know. I really dont know. I've not been in the room with them. I'm not an engineer. I've not looked at those devices and frankly, as long as I know that we are unique from anything else that's out there and that we produce more than and better than....I dont care about them.
Sorry, next installment concerns DoD and Venture Capital.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Where does your gasoline money go?
Ever wonder where your gas dollar goes in terms of tax vs producers, etc? CNN has an interesting piece that breaks out where your $3+/gallon goes. Sure would be nice to be able to augment this by at least partially powering your car with water.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Interview Cont: Update on Automotive Application
Here's the next installment from my interview with Russ Scott, COO of Technology Applications Inc. on 26 March 2008.
Question: has there been progress in terms of releasing an automobile application?
Russ Scott: when you talk about automotive, are you talking about truck fleets or passenger vehicles? We are not going to announce a passenger vehicle application for this before 2010. Now, I'm not going to tell you early 2010, 2nd qtr 2010...I'm just going to say we will not have a passenger vehicle application ready for commercialization before 2010. So between now and 2010, we're spending all our effort in doing the R&D and the validation with two Fortune 300 companies truck fleets.
Question: So for now, you're just focused on truck fleets?
Russ Scott: Initially, we intend to spend our time in the early stages here with on the road truck fleets.
In future installments, Russ will comment on Venture Capital, Immitators & 3rd party validation of claims, etc...
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
New Blog on Vertigro
I started a new blog based on a story that CNN published concerning a vertical growing system that can produce biomass that can be converted to fuel. Here's an intriguing excerpt from the story:
Kertz said he can produce about 100,000 gallons of algae oil a year per acre, compared to about 30 gallons per acre from corn; 50 gallons from soybeans.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Aquygen Video On YouTube
This seems to be the most viewed video on YouTube for Aquygen or HHO or HHO Gas. Viewed over 100,000 times. It was interesting to me that they said they showed their welding application to the Navy because it could "cut lead."
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Why hasn't there been any press releases for 18-24 months?
So, here's the first installment of an interview I was able to perform today with Russ Scott who is COO of Hydrogen Technology Applications Inc. I wanted to start with the last question he was willing to answer because it was one that I thought was most interesting.
Wow! An actual interview with COO of Hydrogen Technology Applications Inc
Well, it only took 2yrs but I finally was able to interview a senior executive with Hydrogen Technology Applications Inc. Russ Scott, COO, took fielded some questions today with me on the phone. I took copious notes and will be posting excerpts from this interview over the next few days so stay tuned.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Auto Show Article
I somehow missed this one. Here's a news article covering an auto show were Hydrogen Technology Applications Inc had on display a proof of concept Ford Focus.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
H2O 1500 Aquygen™ Gas Generator
Figured it was time to add a few pics to the blog. Here's the Aquygen Gas Generator, ie, welding maachine. From hytechapps, this description:
The H2O 1500 Aquygen™ Gas Generator runs on water and electricity only! It produces a stable hybrid hydrogen-oxygen gas, with many unique properties. The generator provides a superior gas for most conventional brazing, soldering and metal cutting operations.
These advantages are listed:
Economy: It's up to 90% less expensive than acetylene in gas costs.
A Healthier Working Environment: Zero emission of carbon monoxide versus 100 parts per million for typical acetylene.
Operational Safety: Aquygen™ Gas is light and dissipates rapidly into the atmosphere: compare to acetylene, which is dense and seeks ground level.
Environmentally Friendly: Aquygen™ Gas produces zero pollution when burning, while hydrocarbon-based fuel gases pollute the environment.
New Applications: In addition to performing most conventional brazing, soldering and cutting operations, the H2O 1500 Aquygen™ Gas Generator performs many exotic cutting, brazing and fusing applications that cannot be performed by conventional methods and processes.
Too good to be true?
Check out the last question in this Q/A with Duncan Haimerl in the Hartford Courant. Speaks to some new gadgets that claim to work with hho gas & hydrogen. Seems like the dismissal may be a little quick which is understandable but then again, I think the first time you come across the idea of Aquygen or HHO Gas, it's easy to dismiss it as bunk. But then you kind of poke around a bit and learn that maybe there may be more to it. Make up your own minds. For me, until I actually get in a car with one of these gadgets and drive twice as far on a full tank of gas, then flip the unit off and drive half the distance on a full tank, I'll probably be skeptical.
Monday, March 17, 2008
More on YouTube videos
I was thinking about it this morning. If you look at the coverage on Denny Klein a couple years ago, it was all over the place even on CNN. Then they completely stopped talking to the press. Granted, as a small company, it must be quite a burden to the normal conduct of business to have all this press floating around, etc. But still, it did make you wonder if maybe they were going to back off some of their claims. Pons/Fleishman cold fusion comes to mind here.